Our Kids Ministry is completely open for babies through 5th grade! At this time we are only offering children's ministry during the 11:00AM worship service.
Cedar Pointe Kids Vision:
Love God, Love Others.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ ... ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”-Mark 12:30-31
Cedar Pointe Kids Mission:
Reach out to love, serve, and teach others about Jesus showing them God’s love and helping them to have a relationship with Jesus.
Cedar Pointe Kids Values:
We value relationships with Jesus! This is the first and foremost important value we hold. Our lessons will be age appropriate and will help children of all ages understand God’s love and plan for their life. We will never babysit; we will present every opportunity for a child to grow closer to Jesus.
We value the safety of every child and volunteer. We will provide a safe environment for children to enjoy. For this reason we obtain background checks and training for every volunteer and there will never be less than two adults with children at a time.
We value family and the important part that parents play in the spiritual health of a child. Cedar Pointe will partner with parents by providing resources, support, and encouragement as they lead their families closer to Jesus.
Security Policies:
It is a focus and priority of Cedar Pointe Church to keep our kids and teens safe. Below is a list of some of the steps we have taken and continually take to keep Cedar Pointe Church ministries safe and secure.
-Staff and volunteers are trained to spot predatory behavior and report it to our security personnel.
-Our security team is made up of trained, publicly identified personnel and unidentified plain clothes personnel who work to spot threats and neutralize them.
-Our property has a security camera system with multiple cameras positioned both inside and outside the building.
-All doors leading to the outside of the building are closed and locked during Children's church.
-Rooms that are not being utilized on Sunday morning will be closed and locked.
-Only staff and assigned volunteers are allowed inside of a children's classroom.
-All children's classrooms will have a minimum of two unrelated volunteers per room.
-The south wing of the building is off limits to anyone except legal guardians, staff, children's volunteers, and security personnel during children's church.
-All staff and volunteers are background checked and trained before being allowed to volunteer.
-We utilize a kids check in system designed to prevent any person other than a child's legal guardian to check them out from kids ministry.
Our staff and teams are advised by members of local law enforcement in regards to our security policies.
We are a vigilante community that works together to protect the most vulnerable among us.
Any person who has been convicted of a violent crime or sex crime are not permitted to work with minors in any capacity at Cedar Pointe Church.
Per SBC policy, Cedar Pointe will not permit the hire of any person to our staff or pastorate that has been convicted of a sex crime at any time. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Babies (Birth - 23 months)
This is the place where our youngest can begin a lifelong walk with Jesus! Children will be nurtured and cared for in a clean and safe environment. In this stage of life children are curious! We provide developmentally appropriate toys, stories and songs for children to grow on their level with Jesus as the center of it all. The Nursery is open during the 11:00AM service.

Preschool (2 years old - 5 years old)
Preschool children are full of energy and excitement for life! We offer several opportunities for your kids to learn. During Cedar Pointe Kids we will help focus that energy into Bible focussed games, art, music and lessons on a preschool level. Children will learn about the life of Jesus, how much he loves them, and how to love others like Jesus does! We offer Preschool ministry during the 11:00AM worship Service!

Elementary (K - 5th grade)
Cedar Pointe Kids ministry for elementary age kids is available during our 11:00AM Worship Service. This gives you and your family opportunities to learn and grow in a relationship with Jesus. We use highly engaging materials to excite kids about living for Jesus! Jesus tells us to, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” We use live teachers, skits, songs, dance, games, prayer, and leadership to teach kids Biblical truth. We believe that kids should learn on their level in a safe and exciting environment!
Sunday Mornings
Worship Service at 11:00AM
Head to the kids area of our church (Straight through the front doors and past the Worship Center) and check your kids in at the Kid Check In Area. Babies and Preschoolers will head right to their classroom while elementary age kids will head to the worship center with their parents/guardians to participate in worship. When the last worship song is over elementary age kids are dismissed to go to Children's Church!